I help women heal from pregnancy loss and guide them on their journey to becoming a Mother after miscarriage.
Hey there. I’m Megan
I had multiple miscarriages.
I lost 3 babies. Their names are…
The suffering was immense. It was the deepest pain I’d felt in my life: physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
Although I was surrounded by people who loved and supported me, it felt like a journey I was traveling alone.
Into parts of myself that I’d never known: the saddest, angriest, and most hopeless parts. I knew this was an experience I wouldn’t be able to “just get over.” There would be no shoving my emotions down, or sweeping them under the rug. This was different.
I would have to feel them fully and completely in order to understand and transform them.
My grief demanded to be seen.
So, thats what I did. I intentionally turned towards those painful feelings and opened my heart to listen and learn from them. I told my grief that something good must come from this. My little babies lives, however short they were, could not be in vain. Instead of consuming me, I wanted to somehow grow from this. But where do you begin healing something so painful? …the internet of course. I googled for hours: forums, facebook groups, articles. I found a therapist, a grief meetup and joined a few miscarriage groups online. Each were helpful but none were what my heart needed to fully heal.
So I turned inward, and created my own healing practice.
I decided it was time to actively work towards healing before my depression got worse. I started drawing upon the wisdom I’d gained over the years from yoga, psychology, holistic health, spirituality and self help. I meditated. I journaled. I moved my body. I ugly cried. I did rituals. I leaned into it…
I taught myself how to feel completely and fully and how to allow it to move up and out.
And slowly, something started unfolding. I began to find little moments of peace. Which turned into glimpses of hope. Which became deeper insight and understanding. It didn’t happen overnight, but I knew that I was heading in the right direction… further along my journey.
Yoga in my bedroom after my miscarriage
Over time, I found myself a very changed woman.
My relationship with the pain I’d felt had transformed. I could reflect on my miscarriages with a softness. I continued doing my healing work, until eventually I was actually able to create meaning and purpose from these events. I found a way to integrate the loss of my butterfly babies into my new version of Self.
I went from fearing being pregnant again, to loving it. I overcame guilt, blame, resentment, jealousy, and confusion.
I had done the work to mend my broken heart and shredded spirit.
My fourth pregnancy led to the birth of my beautiful Rainbow.
I was able to enjoy this precious phase in life with deep reverence and a healed heart. I was able to fully connect with my body and baby and continue to trust the journey, which is what I want for you.
I want you to enjoy your next pregnancy the fullest and start Motherhood feeling whole.
worth the wait -
worth the wait -
But, my inner work helped me create a new version of myself. I used my background in psychology, yoga, natural health, spirituality and energy healing to recover from the losses. My relationship with my partner also grew in ways that I couldn’t foresee. And this is what I offer to you. The opportunity to grow through your experience. To explore your grief deliberately and intentionally and to begin the recovery process. You’re on a uniquely personal journey but you’re not alone.
As painful as my experiences were, I can honestly say now, that I wouldn’t have wanted my journey to unfold any other way.
It made me the person and Mother I am today. My journey created a deep personal transformation that I’m grateful for. The 3 babies that came before Rainbow are interwoven into our family’s story. I give them thanks for helping me know the reverence of life and for stretching the scope of who I thought I was. I grew to be much more resilient, patient, strong, and faithful than I ever could have without them. I touched aspects of my soul that I would’ve never known. I carry the gifts they taught me into my Motherhood and I am better for it. I thank those sweet babies for my cherished life-lessons.
Plus, my journey brought me to you- sweet sister.
And I am so honored to share with you insight and practices created from healing my own grief, and navigating the path to motherhood following my 3 losses.
First pregnancy
Second pregnancy
Third pregnancy
Our Rainbow
Are you ready to transform your pain into strength as you journey from miscarriage to Mother?
from my heart to yours 🤎
from my heart to yours 🤎
Professional Work, Certifications and Degrees
President of Placer Birth Connection Non-profit Organization: 2020-2023
Volunteer Bereavement Facilitator: 2019-2023
Yoga Teacher, RYT 200hr
Intuitive Energy Healer: Levels I, II, III
Prenatal Yoga Teacher, RYT Birth Wisdom Yoga
Holding Space for Pregnancy Loss: The Institute of Birth, Breath and Death
Foundations of Herbal Medicine: Level I
Master’s in Global Leadership and Sustainable Development, Hawaii Pacific University
Bachelor’s in Psychology and Performance Management: Florida State University